Ming shi lu is the collective name for the official annals of the emperors of Ming China (1368-1644). Each shi-lu is the account of one emperor's reign and was compiled after the emperor's death from a number of sources created during his reign. The entire collection is available as a full-text searchable database.
Provides 900 hours of video content covering the full scope of 20th and 21st century dance. The collection includes performances, documentaries, interviews, and instructional videos from the most influential performers and companies.
DataCite is an authoritative source for looking up an article’s DOI or other metadata.
This is a full text database of more than 1,920 Korean scholarly journals in various disciplines. Most journals are covered from the first issue.
Contains over 130,000 annotated references from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards, and data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms etc. Research articles are covered, along with topical news items, conference and seminar reports, and book, video and exhibition reviews. Each reference includes full bibliographic details and a brief abstract. Updated monthly.
Biographical entries covering the lives of Irish men and women who made a significant contribution in Ireland and abroad, as well as those born overseas who had noteworthy careers in Ireland.
The Digital Archive of the Russian National Bibliography aims to provide a complete collection of all chronicles (letopisi) that comprise the Russian National Bibliography published from 1917 to 2017. The complete collection consists of approximately 18,000 issues of which 8,600 issues have already been scanned and published online at letopisi.dlibrary.org. Scanning and online publishing work done to date represent approximately half of the complete target collection. At present the Archive is already the largest online collection of historic Russian national bibliography records with full image browsing and keyword searching functionality.
Muller's Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (DDB) is a compilation of Buddhist terms and texts--as well as names of temples, schools, and people--found in East Asian Buddhist canonical sources. The dictionary project, which began in 1986, is thought to be the most comprehensive compilation of Buddhist terms available in English today.
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) contains primary documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. Collections cover the most critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post-World War II through the 21st century. Of the many DNSA collections, KU subscribes to three: The Soviet Estimate: U.S. Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 (DNSA 15); Soviet-U.S. Relations: The End of the Cold War, 1985-1991 (DNSA 52); and U.S.-Russia Relations: From the Fall of the Soviet Union to the Rise of Putin, 1991-2000 (DNSA 63).
This is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research. KU's Kenneth Spencer Research Library is a contributing partner.
A streaming video database of theater productions, including Shakespeare, classics, musical theater, dance, opera, and recent British productions.
Digital Theatre Plus uses Single Sign On for both on and off campus users:
- Click Sign in and enter your email address ending in 'ku.edu' then click Next.
- Type in 'Kansas' or scroll down to find 'University of Kansas' then click the institution name.
- Sign in with KU username and password.
Digitalia Film Library has over 800 quality documentaries and films distributed in the following collections: Argentine Cinema, European Cinema, French Collection, History, Latin American Selection, Nature and Wildlife, North American Classic Cinema, Spanish Cinema, Cuban Cinema and Travel Documentary.
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scholarly journals covering all subjects and languages.
Access to primary sources, videos, and scholarly research relate to disability studies from around the globe covering the history of the social movements surrounding disability.
Dissertation Abstracts International has been replaced by ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Contains citations and abstracts of dissertations and theses submitted by the University of Kansas and published in UMI's Dissertations Abstracts database, and full text of KU dissertations published after 1996 and KU theses published after 2005.
Includes local, regional, and national newspapers published by Klan organizations and by sympathetic publishers across the United States. It also includes the voices from several anti-Klan newspapers. The collection covers 1921-1932.
East View's collection of 10 rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine covers the period of military hostilities between the unrecognized states and the government of Ukraine (2013-2015), including when Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down near the city of Torez in the Donetsk Oblast. With sources primarily in Russian, this database allows analysts and researchers unprecedented access to articles and reports from these insurgent regions at the most important and critical junctures.
DRAM (Database of Recorded American Music) is a streaming audio database, based on the music available on the New World Records and CRI labels. Music available on other smaller, independent American labels are also available on DRAM.
A digital library has been created as a response to the need for a high-quality online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. It is the only resource to combine exclusively available play text content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the Theatre Department.
Duxiu is a knowledge-based system containing tremendous books and literature resources. It supports retrieval of full text and detailed literature, and also plays the role of a document delivery platform. Duxiu holds 7.2 million kinds of Chinese books metadata, covering more than 95% of published Chinese books since 1949.