Murphy Art & Architecture Library

The Murphy Art & Architecture Library, located on the first level of the Spencer Museum of Art, supports the teaching and research programs in the Departments of Art, Design, History of Art, Architecture, Urban Planning, and the collections of the Art Museum. The library's collection of more than 170,000 volumes documents the visual arts worldwide and from all ages. The collection offers visual and textual information in a variety of formats. Special strengths of the collection include art and architecture of the 19th through 21st centuries, architectural design, American art, East Asian art, Netherlandish art of the 16th and 17th centuries, plus the history and techniques of crafts such as ceramics, textiles, metalsmithing/jewelry.
1301 Mississippi St.
Lawrence, KS 66045

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Study rooms are available to support academic study and research.
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Ask A Librarian
We can help with your research questions — contact us by chat, phone, email, text or at a Research Help desk.
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Reference Help
Reference help is available for patrons when library is open, but more extensive help can be provided between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reference questions also can be submitted by email through the Ask a Librarian service or by contacting the Fine Arts and Humanities Librarian, Andi Back.
Subject guides
To aid in research, visit these subject guides for art, architecture and design topics.
Tours of the Art & Architecture Library are offered before classes begin, both through the Hawk Week program and through special arrangements made by academic departments. Additional tours can be arranged throughout the semester.
Class Instruction
Customized instruction tailored to the class topic and to the learning goals can be developed that will teach students about the various information resources and services available to them.
Circulation Policies
The Murphy Art & Architecture Library is open to any on-site user. Our circulation policy differs from other library branches.