Scott Hanrath

- Associate Dean, Research Engagement
- Associate Librarian
Contact Info
Watson Library
Biography —
In his role as Associate Dean of Research Engagement, Scott leads teams that support researchers and students throughout the research lifecycle, including Collections Strategy and Development, Digital Initiatives, Research and Learning, and the David Schulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication and Copyright.
Selected Publications —
Hanrath, Scott, and Erik Radio. 2017. “User Search Terms and Controlled Subject Vocabularies in an Institutional Repository.” Journal Articles. Library Hi Tech 35 (3): 360–67.
Radio, Erik, and Scott Hanrath. 2016. “Measuring the Impact and Effectiveness of Transitioning to a Linked Data Vocabulary.” Journal Articles. Journal of Library Metadata 16 (2): 80–94.
Hanrath, Scott, and Miloche Kottman. 2015. “Use and Usability of a Discovery Tool in an Academic Library.” Journal Articles. Journal of Web Librarianship 9 (1): 1–21.
Selected Presentations —
Hanrath, S., Miller, K., & Whittaker, B. (3/9/2018). Recovering Library Services, Spaces, and Collections. Master Property Program Loss Control Workshop. St. Louis, MO
Hanrath, S., & Brooks-Kieffer, J. (2/13/2018). Data attribution and integration: a libraries' perspective. Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN) Data Integration and Attribution Workshop. Lawrence, KS
Hanrath, S. (6/15/2016). Integrating a Faculty Activity Reporting System with an Institutional Repository in Support of Open Access. Open Repositories 2016. Dublin, Ireland.
Hanrath, S., Faiks, A., & McCullough, J. (11/13/2015). Linked Data-Driven Discovery: Applications and APIs from a User-Centered Perspective. Library Information Technology Association (LITA) Forum. Minneapolis, MN.
Hanrath, S., & Radio, E. (6/10/2015). User Search Terms and Controlled Subject Vocabularies in an Institutional Repository. Open Repositories 2015. Indianapolis, IN.
Hanrath, S. (5/6/2015). Using Google Analytics with Primo. Presentation, Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) 2015 Conference. Minneapolis, MN
Hanrath, S. (5/1/2014). Boolean Search Suggestions in Primo. Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) 2014 Meeting, April 29 - May 2, 2014. Montreal, Canada. http://
Hanrath, S. (11/1/2013). Using Event Tracking to Enhance Library Web Interfaces. Presentation, Brick and Click Academic Library Symposium. Maryville, MO
Hanrath, S., & Kottman, M. (5/5/2013). Primo Usability Studies at the University of Kansas. Presentation, Primo User Studies Panel, Ex Libris Users North American (ELUNA) 2013 Conference. Athens, GA
Hanrath, S. (5/9/2012). Primo Implementation at the University of Kansas. Presentation, Ex Libris Users North America (ELUNA) 2012 Conference. Salt Lake City, UT
Hanrath, S. (12/31/2012). Virtual Environments at the University of Kansas Libraries. Living the Future Conference. Tuscon, AZ
Hanrath, S. (12/31/2011). One Week | One Tool: ultra-rapid open source development among strangers. Presentation, Code4lib 2011 Conference. Bloomington, IN
Rosenblum, B., & Hanrath, S. (12/31/2009). Building content and community: digital publishing services at the University of Kansas. Presentation, International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference. Vancouver, BC
Hanrath, S. (3/31/2005). Developing Computer-Assisted Survey Software for Collecting Geospatial Data Objects. Presentation, FedCASIC Workshop. Washington, DC