U.S. Geological Survey Historical Topographic Map, Kitty Hawk, NC, 1982

GIS & Data Lab

The GIS & Data Lab facilitates the KU community’s use of various types of data. We can help you organize, analyze, and visualize data; and with access to software and tools.

The Lab is located on the 4th floor of Watson Library (room 425), the sunroom across from the main staircase, and is open during Watson's open hours.

The following software is available in the Lab (an asterisk denotes software also available through KU's Virtual Desktop service):

  • Adobe Creative Cloud and multimedia software packages
  • ArcGIS Desktop*
  • ArcGIS Pro*
  • ATLAS.ti
  • Business Analyst: ArcGIS with specialized data & tools for market planning, territory design, marketing, etc.
  • Google Earth Pro: geocodes in bulk, reads shapefiles
  • Maple*
  • MPlus
  • QGIS
  • QualCoder
  • R and RStudio*
  • SPSS*

Some software previously available in the Lab is now only available through KU's Virtual Desktop service:

  • Minitab
  • Notepad++
  • SAS

Other software resources and tutorials can be found in the GIS Research Guide.

GIS and Data Contacts

GIS Resources
April Friedl, Senior GIS Analyst
Watson Library

Research Data
Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, Data Services Librarian
Watson Library

Digital Humanities
Watson Library
Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities