Can't Find It?

This video details the simple process of locating and receiving research materials from other libraries.

Sometimes when you’re searching in KU Libraries’ databases, the full text of an article you want may not be available. Interlibrary loan (ILL), whereby materials are delivered electronically or physically and usually requiring some time to process, is an easy option to get a hold of the book or article you want. After clicking on the “Get at KU” Jayhawk, you can click on the “More search and request options” dropdown, under which is the link “Request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.” You will be prompted to log in to “WebRetrieve” using your KU Online ID and password. Once you’re logged in you may need to enter some of the bibliographic information for the article, such as the author, title, and publication date. Then, simply click submit and wait for your article to be delivered either electronically or physically. If you have any further questions, click the Ask A Librarian button on the homepage for help.